Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The U.S. to abandon Israel?

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U.S. to Abandon Israel?

The Ramifications for the Fight Against Radical Islam

Dear Solsticewitch13,

The short interview below was conducted on December 31, 2008, and
on the website of the Northeast Intelligence Network. It is a sobering
assessment of the direction the U.S. government is moving with
respect to support for Israel.

Americans who view the conflict between Israel and the Islamic forces
surrounding it as a Middle East regional problem fail to grasp the
ramifications for the global war against Islamic terrorism. History
demonstrates that Islamist military and cultural expansion was stopped,
and in some cases pushed back, when it was met with organized,
effective resistance.

Such resistance often proved to be psychologically devastating to
Islamists, who believed their prospective victory over “infidel”
societies was divinely ordained and thus inevitable. Since the
mid-20th century, Israel has been on the front lines of this resistance.
Its successes in resisting Islamic jihad campaigns during the latter
half of the 20th century angered militant Muslims around the world,
but this successful resistance meant that most of the countries of
the world – including the U.S. – did not, during this time period,
have to fight an empowered and emboldened Islamic jihad on
their own soil.

It is our position that as Israel, at the urging of the U.S., capitulated
Islamist demands, such as in the Oslo Peace Accords, its Islamist
enemies were energized, empowered and emboldened. Couple this
with a massive immigration of Muslims to Europe and the United
Kingdom, the financing of Islamic terrorist and terror-related
organizations with petrodollars, and the infiltration of American
academia, media and government by Islamists and their
sympathizers, and it is no surprise to us that the current wave
of Islamic violent and cultural jihad worldwide has achieved the
power and momentum it has.

If the U.S. abandons Israel, and Israel falls to the 21st century wave
of Islamic jihad, the damage this will do to our collective worldwide
efforts to roll back this rising tide will be incalculable. As Osama bin
Laden stated shortly after 9/11, the world is looking to follow the
“strong horse.” Capitulation in the Middle East will only serve to
reinforce the growing belief in the Islamic world that the West is
the “weak horse” that is ripe for conquering. The stronger and
fiercer this belief becomes, the harder it will be to defeat it.
Moves by the Obama administration, including President Obama’s
recent message to Iran, reveal that this administration does not
recognize or understand the global ramifications of a defeated
Israel and an empowered Islamic jihad. As then-Senator Joe Biden
wrote a year ago, “To compare terrorism with an all-encompassing
ideology like communism and fascism is evidence of profound
confusion.” On the contrary, Biden’s statement is evidence of
“profound confusion.”

The struggle in the Middle East is not about a Palestinian state
such a state could have been carved out in an Arab country
long ago.

This is about 14 centuries of Islamic hatred of Jews, and the
supremacist ideology embedded in the holy books of Islam.
And make no mistake: If they can conquer the Jews, they will
extend their jihad to the rest of us “infidels,” with weapons of
mass destruction in their arsenal.

There is still time for the American people to rise up and demand
that we cease capitulating to Islamist demands and actions. This
is the reason for being for ACT! for America, www.actforamerica.org.

U.S. Intelligence Official about Israel: “This is
just the beginning”

U.S. Intelligence official
“breaks silence” on Israel situation


31 December 2008: Northeast Intelligence Network director
Doug Hagmann interviewed a highly-placed U.S. intelligence official late
yesterday who not only confirmed rumors about escalated and more intensive
Israeli military operations against the Muslim terrorists in Gaza, warned
of the increasing probability of abandonment of Israel by the U.S. and
other Western countries based on what he termed “malicious intelligence.”

“Remember that term,” advised this well-placed intelligence
official, “you’ll be hearing it again.”

“This is just the
beginning,” stated this intelligence official, who wished to remain
anonymous. This official stated that the possibility for a much more
protracted ground war is more likely today than at any other time in the
past, adding that Israel is exercising her right to protect herself from
her enemies in Gaza. But there is a catch, noted this official, and a big
one at that: Israel could be about to lose the support of the United

“I have every reason to believe, based on what I’ve seen
at my level of [security] clearance especially over the last several
years, that Israel will soon be completely on their own… or worse.” When
asked what could be worse than losing the support of the United States, he
stated: “when our administration provides more support to Arab countries
[with] financial and military aid, undercutting Israel’s defense efforts
all while pushing Israel to succumb to the pressure of unreasonable
demands designed to end with their political annihilation as a nation.”

According to this official, the U.S. has been slowly proceeding
down this road. He cited the 2005 surrender of Gush Katif to the
Palestinian Authority as one critical example of the slow dismantlement of
Israel as a viable nation. “Despite critical intelligence outlining in
every possible manner imaginable that this would be a disastrous move
leading to the events we are seeing today, it was done anyway,” he stated.

“We are seeing the very scenario play out today that was outlined
in intelligence briefs three and four years ago. Knowing that, there is
something very wrong with this picture,” he stated.

He added that
Western media is also playing a very big role in the current war in the
Middle East, thanks, in part, to carefully worded statements prepared by
political officials in Washington. Officials in the current
administration, like some previous administrations, submit carefully
crafted informational releases to a media that is controlled by those
having special interests that are contrary to a legitimate peace in the
Middle East.

“The game is rigged. At the highest levels of power
in the U.S. and even by some in power in Israel, the game is rigged,” he

The next obvious question in this interview was, of
course, “how is it rigged?” followed by ”how are you in a position to

This official responded by stating that he has spent the
last two decades serving in “an unfortunate position where intelligence
and politics meet and often collide.” Now, merely days away from
retirement, he stated that he is looking forward to leaving his position
after conducting over 20 years of intelligence work “that has been molded
and massaged to advance the agendas of a select few.”

continued: “When an intelligence work product that has been thoroughly and
properly vetted is submitted to those in Washington, and I see a
completely different and entirely inaccurate product intentionally
submitted and aired in the media, only to be told ‘that is the way it must
be,’ then I know it’s time for me to leave.”

“It is obvious to me
that most Americans don’t understand or don’t care what is actually
happening in the Middle East relative to Israel. People don’t understand
history, or have been subjected to revisionist history based on lies and
more lies. Add to that a media that fails to provide an accurate
assessment of what is taking place in Israel, in Gaza, and you end up with
a very bad situation for Israel,” stated this source. He added that the
disinformation coming and going to and from Washington is getting worse,
as is the media bias against Israel.

The events currently taking
place in Israel are extremely perilous for Israel and especially perilous
for the national security of the United States, according to this source.
Contrary to the accepted assessments of “Middle East experts” in the news,
our intelligence services have “ample evidence to prove active collusion
and support between HAMAS and other terrorist organizations, both Sunni
and Shite. Further, there is a level of Iranian complicity in this war
that is not being talked about, or being dismissed out of hand because of
the schism between the Sunni and Shia sects,” stated this source.


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P.O. Box 12765
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that promote America’s national security and the defense of American
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