Saturday, April 25, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals
The Stories Behind the News

Link to Sultan Knish

Friday Afternoon Roundup - The Religion of Moderate Torture

Posted: 24 Apr 2009 03:43 PM PDT

ABC News aired a tape showing the brother of the crown prince of the UAE and
the Emir of Dubai brutally torturing a farmer in a way that was supposed to be
unique to Saddam and his progeny.

A video tape smuggled out of the United Arab Emirates shows a member of
the country's royal family mercilessly torturing a man with whips, electric
cattle prods and wooden planks with protruding nails.
A man in a UAE police uniform is seen on the tape tying the victim's arms
and legs, and later holding him down as the Sheikh pours salt on
the man's wounds and then drives over him with his Mercedes SUV.

"The incidents depicted in the video tapes were not part of a pattern
of behavior," the Interior Ministry's statement declared.

The Minister of the Interior is also one of Sheikh Issa's brother.

The government statement said its review found "all rules, policies and
procedures were followed correctly by the Police Department."

Naturally. The UAE is a dictatorship. The only differences between the
UAE or Saddam's Iraq lies in military strength and the image they
choose to present to the world.

Meanwhile much of the same media and Hollywood celebrities who
wax indignant about the US waterboarding of Al Queda terrorists,
bought into the whole Dubai mirage, investing huge money in property,
including the "world islands" that are now speedily turning worthless.

There is no such thing as a moderate Arab Muslim state. There are
only those who put on a moderate appearance because of their
When you get down to the ruling family, there is no real difference.
The UAE and their Dubai wonderland is ruled by the same bunch of
jumped up desert thugs turned billionaires as Saudi Arabia or Jordan
or the former Iraq.

Pull back the curtain and you can see the torture chambers. The
real ones, not the kid gloves that the US handles Osama Bin
Laden's terrorists with. Terrorists partly funded by the UAE and
their royal family.

To those who say criminal prosecution of terrorists is the answer,
witness how criminal prosecution

terrorists, who are now free and wending their way through
England's court system for possible deportation.

This while Obama is
preparing to move Gitmo terrorists
into your neighborhood.

The Obama administration is preparing to admit into the United
States as many as seven Chinese Muslims who have been
imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay in the first release of any of
the detainees into this country, according to current and
former U.S. officials.

Their release is seen as a crucial step to plans, announced by
President Obama during his first week in office, to close the
prison and relocate the detainees.

Administration officials also believe that settling some of
them in American communities will set an example, helping
to persuade other nations to accept Guantanamo detainees

But the decision to release the Chinese Muslims, known as
Uighurs, is not final and faces challenges from within the
government, as well as likely public opposition. Among
government agencies, the Homeland Security Department
has registered concerns about the plan.

There are 17 Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gers) at Guantanamo.
A U.S. official familiar with the discussions over their release said
that as many as seven could be resettled in the U.S., possibly in
two or more small groups.

Officials have not said where in the United States they might live.
But many Uighur immigrants from China live in Washington's Virginia
suburbs, and advocates have urged that the detainees be resettled near
people who speak their language and are familiar with their

Yes including their peculiar custom of strapping on bomb vests and
exploding themselves in public areas, such as say in the Washington
area. Better be sure you pronounce Wee-gurs right.

Speaking of scary things in the Washington area, Boker Tov
Boulder has more on Obama's
corps of the living brainwashed volunteers

Not only will this 'army' of community organizers eventually involve
as many as 8 - 9 million people, it will be MANDATORY for anyone
who gets federal student loans.

Welcome to the Obama Youth. Check your mind and conscience
at the door.

Meanwhile Debbie Schlussel takes a closer look at Obama\Pelosi
targeting Harman\AIPAC just in time for Obama's own gathering
showdown with Israel.

While the NSA wanted to wiretap the Congressman who had
contacts with a terrorist while in the Middle East, they nixed it
because they thought it wouldn't go over to wiretap a U.S.

Yes, the NSA had court approval to wiretap Harman .
. . because the NSA sought it. Why didn't the NSA seek court
approval on the pan-Islamist Member of Congress? Why the double

And the targets of the Harman transcript release are interesting,
too. The target isn't just Harman. Keith Weissman and Steve
Rosen--the two men under indictment, former employees of
pro-Israel lobby AIPAC--were entrapped at the direction of
David W. Szady, head of counterintelligence for the FBI from
2001 to 2006. Szady, well known as an Islamo-sympathizing,
anti-Semitic FBI agent, was intent on exposing Israel in
a negative light. He dreamed up the whole scheme, using
Weissman and Rosen, to show "balance"

to his Islamic world buddies--to show that America was not just
going after them (as if America has gone after much of them at all).
The FBI honcho also had a vendetta to settle because he was upset that
Israel was cooperating with the NYPD in counterterrorism
investigations that led to NYPD arrests of terrorist in New York--
arrests that showed up the incompetent FBI and its floundering
counterterrorism efforts.

The Pentagon employee, Lawrence Franklin, was also entrapped
because he was one of the few in the Pentagon who actually got it on
jihad and the Iranian threat, one of the few who was known to be
pro-Israel. This was a "kill three birds with one stone" operation.
A brilliant man with several graduate degrees and expertise on the
Middle East, Franklin has been reduced to serving as a car parking
valet at night.

And though the alleged transcript--which reports claim shows Harman
promising to ask the Justice department for leniency for Rosen and
Weissman--has yet to surface, reporters and bloggers are slobbering
over the allegations, repeating them as fact.

In fact, Rosen and Weissman didn't need Harman's calls for "leniency."
They never committed espionage and even the federal judge on the
case sees it as a frame-up job.
The judge has asked the Justice Department why the case should
continue, and there is every indication the Department will soon drop this
witch-hunt. The release of this transcript from two years ago was done
deliberately to hurt Rosen and Weissman and their chance at a chance
at real justice after two years of persecution. There is no evidence that
Harman ever followed through on helping their case or ever contacted
the Justice Department on their behalf. But the release of the transcript
was designed to put them (and Israel) forever under suspicion that
the charges in their case were not dropped because they are baseless
but because of bribery of a U.S. Congresswoman.

That's not to mention the fact that Jane Harman was far more
hawkish than most Democrats, a reason Nancy Pelosi didn't pick
her for Intelligence Committee Chairman. Harman supported the
NSA wiretaps. She was hawkish against Islamofascism. And she
strongly supported Israel. But why should conservative
bloggers who claim to support these things care, when they can
easily savage this Democrat and Israel a spying, bribing enemy in
one fell swoop?

Meanwhile in Israel, the
Religion of Peace, which of course respects
the Jewish
forefathers, whom they claim as their own, and is no way Nazific,
scrawled Swastikas on Joseph's Tomb.

This comes after Palestinian Arabs brutally seized the tomb in an
extended firefight, with the Israeli government backing down to
international pressure and abandoning its own soldiers under fire.
It has been the heroic efforts of individual Jewish pilgrims who
risked their lives to maintain access to the tomb.

In 2001, within less than an hour of the original Israeli retreat,
Palestinian rioters overtook Joseph's Tomb and reportedly ransacked
and then partially
destroyed the structure.

The tomb is located just outside the modern city of Nablus, or
biblical Shechem, in the northern West Bank. Under the 1993 Oslo
Accords, which granted nearby strategic territory to the
Palestinians, Joseph's Tomb was supposed to be accessible to
Jews and Christians. But following repeated attacks against Jewish
worshippers at the holy site by gunmen associated with then-
Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat's militias,
then-Prime Minister
Ehud Barak in October 2000 ordered an
Israeli unilateral retreat from the area.

Immediately following the Israeli retreat, Palestinian rioters overtook
Joseph's Tomb and reportedly began to ransack the site. Palestinian
mobs reportedly tore apart books, destroying prayer stands and
grinding out stone carvings in the Tomb's interior. Palestinians
hoisted a Muslim flag over the tomb. Amin Maqbul, an official from
Arafat's office, visited the tomb to deliver a speech declaring,
"Today was the first step to liberate (Jerusalem)."

One BBC reporter described the scene: "The site was reduced to
smoldering rubble – festooned with Palestinian and Islamic flags –
cheering Arab crowd."

Today Jerusalem. Tomorrow the world.

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