Thursday, July 16, 2009

FSM Security Update: 7-16-09 *Exclusive: ‘Change’ Only an Imbecile Could Love*

July 16th

Economy much worse than we think! AJ DiCintio: American Aristocrats. Don't miss "Electing a Moron." (!) Pres. Barack Obama has made a tactical mistake. Could this doom his presidency? "Hesh" speaks out: When your "peace partners" are really terrorists.


The WELCOME Act - Helping to Welcome Legal Immigrants to America

The Editors

Helping legal immigrants assimilate and become productive citizens of America. What a novel idea!

Exclusive: ‘Change' Only an Imbecile Could Love

Dick McDonald

All of Obama's promises of change are nothing more than a national nightmare from which we'd better wake up soon.

Is Obama's Science Czar a Crackpot?

Cliff Kincaid

Does Obama's science adviser advocate compulsory abortions and putting chemicals into the water supply to sexually sterilize human beings?

Time for a Real Stimulus Bill

Newt Gingrich

The genius of our free market system has always depended upon ingenuity, pro-growth tax structures, smart spending, and fiscal responsibility. Any other path is sacrificing the future for the present.

Obama's Double-Edged Sword

Paul Hollrah

The last thing that Obama needs is for U.S. authorities to have the names of UBS's American clients, a list that could then be compared with Obama's Federal Election Commission filings from the 2008 election.

Video: Graham to Sotomayor: Do You Have a Temperament Problem?
Video: Is Secretary of State Clinton Being Sidelined?
Consequences of the Liberals' Death Wish
Czarist America
Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions' in Private Homes
Video: Pathetic result of MN voters - Al Franken asks Sotomayor about "Perry Mason" episodes
Video: SCOTUS nominee: Sotomayor confuses "eminent" with "imminent" - twice
Video: President Shares - Hey, we're going to keep seeing more unemployed...
Obama Tells Congress to 'Buck Up,' as Clock Ticks on Health Care Reform
Are There Really 47 Million Americans Who Can't Afford Health Insurance?
Trading Freedom for Oil - You need to understand this!

Counterintelligence Professionals Under Attack by Liberals?

Jim Kouri, CPP

Counterintelligence is an integral part of the entire intelligence process. It's imperative that it not be politicized.

Somaliland: What Somalia Could Be

J.Peter Pham, PhD

If it's true that Somalis are incapable of self-governance, how does one explain the successes of the Republic of Somaliland?

Caption Contest July 16 - 21

The glory is all in seeing if your caption comes in at #1! Please send your (clean and tasteful) caption entry (or entries) to by noon on Tuesday. The top entries will be posted in this space next Wednesday.

Softballs for Sonia

Steve Bowers, Esq.

Today's Hot Topics: 7-16

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Taliban uses Afghan fear to fight surge
  2. Republicans don't believe Sotomayor's stories By: Byron York
  3. Why We Endorsed Warrantless Wiretaps
  4. Germany's BND denies report on Iran bomb timing
  5. Israeli Warships in Suez Canal a Signal to Iran?
  6. Senate Committee Approves Health Reform on Party-Line Vote
  7. Palin Vs. Kerry (And
  8. Gitmo justice delayed, clarity denied ** Obama order ties hands of prosecutors, judges**
  9. Afghanistan vs Michael Jackson: How real heroes are honored
  10. Democrats Propose Massive Tax Increase for National Obamacare
  11. "Thinly-Veiled Threats"? White House Suggests Arizona Republicans Put Up or Shut Up
  12. Obama and the Speech: What is the point and purpose of the President's orations?
  13. Clinton: Iran Engagement Still in the Offering
  14. The Islamofascists are the Fascists, Not Geert Wilders
  15. Iran Simmers, America Moves On
  16. Presidents Aren't What They Used to Be By Victor Davis Hanson
  17. Pelosi Censors Republicans by Rep. John Carter
  18. Sophie's Choice, and Bibi's By James Lewis
  19. On the economy, it's all his (OBAMA's) now
  20. Obama is creating a host of new programs and obligations on borrowed money.
  21. World may back Iran op as part of deal
  22. We won't get real growth until Congress and Treasury get policy right.
  23. China warns citizens in Algeria of Al Qaeda threat
  24. Health Reform Requires Lawsuit Reform: But tort lawyers are the one special interest Democrats won't offend
  25. Sooner or later, liberals will learn to not provoke Liz Cheney on issues of national security

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