Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Westerners Make Huge Mistake In Evaluation Of Islam

Westerners Make Huge Mistake In Evaluation Of Islam

2010 April 20

The prolific and prodigious Robert Spencer of Jihadwatch (pictured above) recently posted a starkly revealing video on the United Nations/Islam vs The Truth About Muslim Cruelty To Women. The video, twenty-six minutes in length, is well-worth your valuable time to watch. It clearly demonstrates how debate within The United Nations of the unthinkable horrors visited on women throughout the world by imposition of Sharia (Muslim Law) is misdirected and deflected by Muslim delegates characterizing the matters of fact as attacks on spiritual Islam – or as is stated by the Egyptian delegate in this video, the “crucifixion of Islam”. Such language is an intimidating discussion-ender – like calling someone a Nazi or a Racist during a debate over civil rights. Muslims have repeatedly made, and been allowed to get away with, these shot-gun blast style attacks to end debate.

One of the greater mistakes that United Nations’ members of the Western delegations make in assessing Muslim practices is allowing themselves to be cornered (or silenced) by such accusatory rhetoric into evaluating the doctrine solely in the context of its function in facilitating man’s and woman’s relationship to the Almighty. Looking at any debate and discussion of applied Muslim doctrine through only the spiritual prism neglects the more sinister truths about Islam. It is a complete spiritual-legal-political Theocratic system of governance which is not to be questioned, debated or doubted in any way, by any one.

For the video and Spencer’s take on the issue in toto, it is here.

Diana West’s analysis of the video’s contents is here.

The Western World at some point will either lay down and surrender before the Forces of Islam or make a stand and refuse to be silenced by rhetorical tactics like the ones depicted in the foregoing video.

Rest assured, that to stand one’s ground in factual discussions or debates on the realities of the suffering and agonies to which females are subjected in Muslim states, and even recently in the West as a result of Muslim immigration and the honor killings of women that accompany it, will invite more rage, more oratorical attacks and perhaps violence from the World of Islam.

Islam is not, even after all the apologizing and equivocating of our elected political officials, a doctrine that has historically spread through peaceful and reasonable means. It remains the only religious doctrine of which I am aware, thanks to the elucidating works of Robert Spencer, that mandates violence against people who are not followers and believers. The West has yet to fully awaken to that reality.

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