Saturday, August 28, 2010

Jihad Watch: Hotter than Hot Air

Some good news for a change!!


More people that educate themselves about the realities of islam,, the better equipped we will be to DEFEAT IT!!!

Jihad Watch: Hotter than Hot Air


Jihad Watch is continuing to experience a sharp rise in readership, as you can see from the graph above. When Jihad Watch reader James sent me this comparison, I was shocked, since Hot Air, of course, is a very, very well-traveled site. Click on the graph to enlarge it and go to the Site Analytics site -- or just note that the blue line is Jihad Watch and the green line is Hot Air.

The rise in readership here at Jihad Watch indicates that there is growing dissatisfaction among the American people about the quality of reporting they're getting on jihad issues from mainstream media sources. When Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews feature a spokesman for a Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood front group, without notifying their viewers about the unsavory ties of the spokesman they're featuring, and when they allow that spokesman to defame Americans who are trying to defend Constitutional freedoms and generally accepted principles of human rights, more and more people are realizing that these people are not journalists, but propagandists, and propagandists of the worst sort.

So they are turning away, in droves. And they are coming here, where the truth is told, fully and honestly and without obfuscation. With over three million unique visitors and counting, August 2010 has been our biggest month ever -- topping last month, which was our biggest month ever up to that point.

Welcome to all new readers, and once again: Jihad Watch is a news and commentary site that brings you information about the global jihad effort that the mainstream media largely misreports or ignores altogether. Jihad Watch is a non-sectarian site committed solely to the defense of human rights -- the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, the equality of rights of women -- against Islamization and the denial of those human rights entailed under Sharia. We hold firmly to the wisdom of the non-establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution, and to the principles enshrined in the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights (which is not to say we hold to the statist assumptions underlying that document).

Jihad Watch welcomes all people -- Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, sincere Muslims of conscience -- who recognize the threat to freedom that Islamic supremacism constitutes, and are determined to resist it. Comments are open and unmoderated, although offensive comments may be removed if we see them. Comments that are racist, genocidal, advocating vigilantism, etc., are unwelcome. Remember that when you write here you're not talking to your friends in your living room, but to an avid audience of predators looking for ammunition to use against the cause of liberty.

And above all, never give up, never give in.

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