Friday, July 5, 2013

07-05-13: Why did Obama not heed warnings about Egypt?

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

·  Why did Obama not heed warnings about Egypt? Amb. Bolton says U.S. has played a 'weak hand'

·  Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Dependence Day

·  Watters' World: July 4th Edition - FOX Producer Quizzes Folks on What They Know About Our Founding Fathers

·  FLASHBACK: Clinton Pledges Support for Morsi

·  Obama's Decision to Push Back Key Provisions of Obamacare is all About the Midterm Election Chess Game

·  Egypt Names Interim President

·  Steven Crowder on American culture and the 4th of July (Independence Day)

·  VIDEO: Rush Limbaugh's Independence Day speech to Joplin, Missouri

·  President Reagan's Address to the Nation on Independence Day on July 4, 1986.

·  Independence Day - 4th of July - A History of US Liberty and Government

In Case You Missed It

·  Iraq Veteran Challenges the NY Safe Act With a Moving Speech - Probably the best 2nd Amendment speech ever

·  Doctor's Office Closing Its Doors on Account of ObamaCare - I am going broke! Is this the future for U.S.A.?

·  Tea Party Protesters blasting South Carolina Republican Sen. Graham for backing immigration (amnesty) bill

·  Battle over abortion rights in Texas

·  Rush Limbaugh Accuses Fox News of Trying to Censor Him: ‘Quite Telling'

·  Facebook Yanks Conservative Comedian's Video About Zimmerman Trial Witness

·  Cool Time Lapse: Teacher Wears Same Outfit for School Picture Day for Last 40 Years!

·  Gettysburg 150 Years: 21 Gun Salute

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Egypt's Military Takes Charge with Morsi in Custody; Other Brotherhood Leaders Being Sought

Egypt's military continued cracking down on the Muslim Brotherhood after swearing in the chief justice of the Constitutional Court as the country's interim president, a day after overthrowing their first democratically elected leader.

Latest Obama Leak Investigation Targets Retired General

The facts don't quite add up in the case of Cartwright, whom NBC News described as a four-star general with a "close working relationship" with Obama.

Iranian President-elect Rouhani is Likely to take Nuclear Discussions ‘Back to the Past'

Ahmadinejad predicted the return of Islam's 12th Imam or "Mahdi" -- a 5-year-old religious leader who disappeared more than a millennium ago...

Equality and The Court

Presumably what is good for the goose may not be good for the gander. One could argue, as Justice Kennedy did...

As We Approach 237

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the United States of America has become something other than what our Founders and Framers would have envisioned.

A Not So Happy Fourth of July

In 2013, our happiness is muted by fears of eroding freedoms; corrupt and incompetent governance.

Russia is an Enigma Wrapped in a Mystery

We can laugh at this, but a Russian labor camp for "insulting Putin and the church" is no laughing matter for these girls.

Egypt's Freedom Fighters Make Real Gains: Chance for Freedom and Democracy

Morsi's plea to the U.S. leadership no doubt includes his political backers as well, the Muslim Brotherhood.

Declaration of Dependence

Our country was founded on the belief that our rights come from God, but it looks like Americans today don't believe that. They tend to believe instead that our rights come from government. Is this what we want American to be?

Thoughts on the Fourth of July

Should we forget the flag, Mom and apple pie and behave more like the "citizens of the world" the Left so desperately want us to be?

Declaration of Independence as Law

As stated in our Declaration, the purpose of secular law is to secure our sacred, equal, individual human rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness - private property honestly earned through creative labor.

Independence Day Quiz

The 4th of July is the time when we celebrate our nation-- a time to reflect on the freedoms which we believe are not granted by our government, but are self-evident rights for all humankind. Time for the Independence Day Quiz which asks, "How much do you really know?"


Russian Forces to Provide 'Security' At U.S. Events

Obama's FEMA signs deal with Russian Emergency Situations Ministry to "exchange experts...the Russian Ministry will also be providing "security at mass events" in the United States.

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