Friday, October 3, 2014

Bill Whittle: A Beheading in Oklahoma

Truth Revolt:
It was not just a “workplace incident.” The brutal beheading of an American woman by a radicalized Muslim is just the latest in a series of un- or under-reported atrocities deemed unfit for the American people by the Mainstream Media. In this horrifying analysis, Bill Whittle describes the events in Oklahoma and  discusses WHY the Leftist Media doesn’t want stories like this being told.

Hi everybody. I’m Bill Whittle and this is the Firewall.
On Thursday, September 25th, 2014 – to hear the media tell it – disgruntled worker Alton Nolen arrived at work at the Vaughan Foods plant in Oklahoma City, shortly after being fired.
Apparently he lost his temper, and a tragedy ensued.
You know who this is? This is Stefani Germanotta. Surely that name rings a bell? No? How about Lady Gaga? That’s the name she chose for herself.
The name Alton Nolen chose for himself is Jah’Keem Yisrael. Why do we call Stefani Germanotta Lady Gaga while Alton Nolen is still Alton Nolen? Well, because if the press referred to Alton Nolen by the name he uses to refer to himself — Jah’Keem Yisrael – then we would have to face some unpleasant facts. And reporting unpleasant facts is not allowed in the Era of Obama, because if unpleasant facts were reported in the Era of Obama there wouldn’t be an Era of Obama.
Is it really fair to refer to Alton Nolen as Jah’Keem Yisrael? It sure as hell seems fair to me. Here are some images from his Facebook page. Here’s one of Jihadi terrorists, to which Jah’Keem Yisrael added “Some of my Muslim Brothers!” Here’s one that says “Islam will dominate the earth – freedom can go to hell.” Jah’Keem had nothing to add to that apparently.
So after allegedly spending a great deal of time and effort trying to convert his co-workers to Islam, Jah’Keem Yisrael entered the Vaughan Foods building, where he met – apparently at random – 54 year old Colleen Hufford. After stabbing her repeatedly with his knife, he then proceeded to saw her head off. He then went on to stab 43 year old Traci Johnson.
On his Facebook page, Jah’Keem Yisrael had also posted a picture of the Statue of Liberty, to which he added the caption, “She is going into flames. She and Anybody who’s with her.” Apparently, one of those people who ARE with the Statue of Liberty, as she heads into the flames, was company CEO and reserve sheriff’s deputy Mark Vaughan, who stopped this Islamic ritual with his personal firearm. Because unlike the soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, where an identical Islamic murderer, Nidal Hassan, stood on a table shouting Allahu Akbar! as he killed 13 back in 2009, Mr. Vaughn had not surrendered his Constitutionally guaranteed, 2nd Amendment right to life and so he took action as an American citizen, saving the life of Traci Johnson and God knows how many others. No doubt Mr. Vaughan – who should be given the Medal of Freedom – will live forever regretting that he didn’t arrive on the scene in time to save Colleen Hufford.
This story is profound.
No, what’s happened in Oklahoma City is bigger than a media blackout. Bigger than the lack of outrage, the absence of candlelight vigils, the missing comments of the President saying that Colleen Hufford could have been his grandmother and all the rest. That story had to be buried: a Muslim extremist’s murder spree, stopped by private citizen with his own firearm? Please.
No, what happened in Oklahoma City is even bigger than the collision of reality and the Narrative. Because both domestic Islamic radicalism, and the issuance of concealed carry permits, are both sharply in the rise.
So the question we had better start asking is not whether or not you have a right to defend yourself – But rather whether we have an obligation to defend ourselves.
Because the left, you see, admires people like Jah’Keem Yisrael. They admire them for having the courage to do what they will not do – namely, get their hands dirty. Or bloody, as the case may be. The left, and these Islamic murderers, are in a symbiotic relationship, and they both know it. Both depend on the other to weaken traditional American strength – the left at home, and the Jihadis overseas. Papering over a few beheadings is a small price to pay to keep that alliance together – especially since this happened in Oklahoma. I mean, it’s not like Colleen Hufford was a celebrity or a real person or anything. If they had beheaded Barbara Streisand, then there would have been some hand wringing.
No, they will let this domestic cancer grow, because if Americans wake up to the reality that the media is in fact in the news suppression business, they may start to wonder what other stories have been suppressed. No, they will let this cancer grow, unreported, until the Statue of Liberty and anyone who is with her, goes into the flames.
Also see:

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