Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pakistan: Christian Couple Burned Alive on Blasphemy Charges
issue 138

Pakistan: Christian Couple Burned Alive on Blasphemy Charges
A young couple was burned alive by a mob in Pakistan for what appears to be trumped up charges of blasphemy over a monetary dispute. More

The D.C. Muslim Caucus is getting negative press attention for telling Muslims they are required to vote as their leaders tell them to.
Muslims Told to Follow Orders on Voting by D.C. Muslim Caucus

Suad al-Shamari, co-founder of the Saudi Liberal Network along with Raif Badawi, is being held in a Jeddah prison, on charges of insulting Islam.
Saudi Arabia Arrests Prominent Female Human Rights Activist

Daily life for women under ISIS includes crushing laws and the fear of being kidnapped, sold or married to a jihadi.
Life of Fear and Darkness for Women Under ISIS

While female genital mutilation (FGM) has been illegal in the United States since 1996, our legal system has zero prosecutions to show for it. Meanwhile, France has over 100.
Eradicating FGM – Defining The Battle Strategy
Capitulation to Terror? Soldiers Told No Uniforms Off-Duty

Iran: Activist Attempts to Watch Volleyball, Sent to Brutal Prison

Hezbollah Kids Mag: Martyrs, Land Mines & Assault Rifles

Iraq Violence Worsens as Shiite Militias Take Revenge on Sunnis

Social Media Spurs Explosive Momentum for Jihadis in Holland

New UK Proposal Puts Noose Around Free Speech

Islamic State's Program to Desensitize Children to Violence
A report on how the Islamic State (ISIS) is using media to desensitize children to violence and the horrors perpetrated by the brutal Islamist terror group.

'I Just Want to Kill Him'

Looking Forward to the Caliphate: Anjem Choudary

ISIS: The Rise to Power
Europeans Stopped Defending Values of Their Civilization
"Europeans have stopped defending the values of their civilization. They confuse tolerance with relativism."
- Bassam Tibi
Syrian-German Islamism expert and Professor of International Relations
The idea of reform and renewal is not actually new in Islamic history, as there have been a number of reformist and revivalist movements throughout many Muslim societies.
A Muslim’s Case for Islamic Reform
Islamism and Islam
By Bassam Tibi
The author shows the connection between Islamism and 20th century European totalitarianism and shows how Islamists have invented terms that are non-existent in traditional Islamic sources. He argues that the religion of Islam, by contrast, has the potential to be turned into a modern, humanistic doctrine.
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