Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12-17-14: Jihadis burn teacher alive in front of students, behead children

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What is particularly interesting to note is that, prior to 1979, the United States would likely have never questioned enlisting Iran's aid in this battle.

It cannot be ignored -"but for" Michael Brown's criminal act in robbing a store-no fiery protest would have erupted in Ferguson.

If you want to know how your tax dollars will get spent next year, the answers are in Cromnibus-the 1,695 page bill Congress hurriedly passed

It has long been contended by foreign policy analysts that the security architecture of the Eastern Mediterranean was based on a preponderance of American power, specifically naval power.

Pakistan: Jihadis burn teacher alive in front of students, behead children

The death toll has risen to at least 141 victims, most of them children, the Associated Press is reporting.

Bill Clinton lied. Obama tells stories.

The Democrats, suddenly shocked by the CIA's tactics, dishonor the people who died on 9/11.

What??? Finding out the truth is less important than pushing your view of what the narrative should be in any issue?


For starters, the Grinch who stole the Whitehouse Obama, aka Grinchbama, has slashed the military.

Priebus promised that, if the Republican Party takes the Senate, they will do everything in their power to stop Obama from proceeding on the executive amnesty.


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