Friday, December 12, 2014

Who is Generation Jihad?

Who is Generation Jihad?



Who is Generation Jihad?

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Who is Generation Jihad?
By: Nicolai Sennels
Generation Jihad

Generation Jihad is here. 80 percent of young Turks in Holland see “nothing wrong” in waging Jihad against non-Muslims. 27 percent of all young French and 14 percent of all young British under 25 sympathize with the genocidal terror organisation Islamic State. This includes most probably the vast majority of young Muslims in these two countries. These horrific numbers fit well with the fact that 75 percent of Muslims in Europe think that the Quran must be taken literally.

The result is an increasing amount of attacks on non-Islamic authorities and non-Muslims around especially Western Europe. And an increasing amount of areas that are lost to Islamic invaders (“invaders”, as they do not just live here, they also conquer), where crimes are defined by and handled according to Islamic laws, the Sharia, and where non-Muslims are persecuted through threats, vandalism, violence, rapes (including “grooming”) and robberies.

The first victims of Islam are the Muslims

There is no doubt, that the first victims of Islam are Muslims themselves, as the Quran orders Muslims to harm their own. It tells them to beat disobedient wives (4:34), and permits paedophilia by pointing out their prophet Mohammed (always “their” – not “the”…) – who married six year old Aisha and penetrated her when she was nine – as an “excellent” role model (33:21)
(actually, Mohammed advised marrying small girls because he thought they were nice to have mutual, sexual fondling with (Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 17) – meaning that he probably had non-penetrating “sex” with Aisha before she turned nine). Islam also makes Muslims suffer through the extreme social and religious control from Muslim families and mosques that ensure that fellow Muslims submits (“Islam” means submission) to Sharia, robbing them from basic human rights such as choosing their own clothing, friends, life style and partners. And the outcasting, beatings and even killing of those who breach these brutal laws. Criticising Islam with the aim of reforming it or at least limiting its power is thus compassionate, also towards its own followers, who are probably the greatest Islamophobes: only fear can explain Muslims’ acceptance of such inhumane rules.

Islam is the root cause of Muslim crimes against non-Muslims

The biggest victims of Islam, though, are non-Muslims, as Islam offers only few options: conversion (which constitutes psychological rape and includes the obligation to live as Muslim, hereunder participating in persecuting non-Muslims and forcing one’s family members to follow the Sharia) or death. Jews and Christians have a third choice, namely the status as third class citizens paying jizya – protection money – to the Muslim community. A rough estimate is that 270 million non-Muslims have been killed by Muslims, since Mohammed was born in the 6th century.

The Quran’s sura 9, verse 123 is very clear: “O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness.” In detail, the Quran advises Muslims to behead non-Muslims (47:4), kill non-Muslims when they have overtaken them (2:191), and fight non-Muslims until Islam is the only religion (2:193 – understand verse 2:191-193 in context here). It also allows raping every female non-Muslims they can capture (4:24 and here) and it allows Muslims the right to booty (8:69) (meaning that Muslims can take what they can rob from non-Muslims they fight, thus legalizing the extremely widespreadmuggings and robberies of non-Muslims in West European cities). This thievish attitude towards non-Muslims’ property and tax paid welfare is strengthened by verse 33:27, that states that Muslims are the true owners of the non-Muslims’ “land and their homes and their properties”. That is also why many Muslims see extortion, robbery and welfare as their right, because Islam demands that non-Muslims give money to Muslims.

The Jihadis’ 7 step plan to conquer the world

According to Al Qaeda’s 7 Step Plan made in the 1990’s, which included the toppling of Arab governments from around 2010 (phase 4) and the establishment of an Islamic state in 2013 (phase 5), “full confrontation” (phase 6) will happen in 2016. Considering the increasing radicalisation in thousands of Muslim ghettos in the West and the vast amount of jihadis returning from Islamic State, an outbreak of prolonged, extensive terror and fighting inside Western Europe from 2016 or so seems almost unavoidable.

Who are the criminals? Who are the terrorists? Who is Generation Jihad? They are merely Muslims behaving according to their religion.”

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