Sunday, January 11, 2015

Latest New York Times Editor is Melting Down

Latest New York Times Editor is Melting Down

I can actually see the day when the New York Times ceases to exist. It’ll be a good day too.
At the rate the paper of spin is going through editors, it’s going to have to turn to random homeless people to fill in. It’s bound to only improve the paper’s coverage of such vital issues as McDonald’s bathrooms and the best places to clean windshields.

Meanwhile its latest editor is handling the pressure with grace and… nope.
New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet called a journalism professor an “asshole” on Facebook, during an argument over the Times’ decision to not publish the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of Muhammad.
Journalist and University of Southern California professor Marc Cooper criticized Baquet’s decision to spike photos of the cartoons for sensitivity reasons as “absolute cowardice” on Friday.
“[H]ow many people have to be shot in cold blood before your paper rules that you can show us what provoked the killers?” wrote Cooper in a Facebook post.
Baquet hit back at Cooper in the comment section, calling him an “asshole” and describing his comment as “thoughtless and arrogant.”
“Dear Marc, appreciate the self righteous second guessing without even considering there might be another point of view. Hope your students are more open minded. Asshole,” wrote Baquet.
New York Times editors have called critics worse than that, but unlike Baquet, they had the common sense not to get into Facebook arguments over it. But Baquet is proving to be more unstable than Abramson.

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