Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Biden: Muslim Immigration Not Going to Stop

Biden: Muslim Immigration Not Going to Stop

biden arafat

Obama tried to counter the Paris Unity March, which his administration boycotted, with a seminar on “Countering Violent Extremism”. CVE continues to mean pandering to the Muslim Brotherhood and refusing to deal with Islamic terrorism.

Obama is claiming that the solution is to teach the true peaceful nature of Islam while continuing to push the lie that the Chapel Hill killings targeted Muslims. Biden is cheerleading all that Muslim immigration.
“I’m proud of the American record on culture and economic integration of not only our Muslim communities but African communities, Asian communities, Hispanic communities,” Biden said. “And the wave still continues. It’s not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the things I think we can be most proud of.”
The World Trade Center bombing, 9/11 and every Muslim terror plot before and since, including the ones happening now, show how well that works. If Islamic immigration doesn’t stop, Islamic terror doesn’t stop.

It’s that simple.
The key to preventing young people from gravitating towards extremism is to form coalitions to ensure that “every child in every minority community in America — particularly now in the Muslim-American community — is able to feel like we see them,” Biden said.
Isn’t that a job for the NSA?
“National security flows from a sense of community,” Biden said, adding that the most important lesson the U.S. can learn is that “inclusion counts.”
Of course community is impossible with an ideology that believes it has to dominate and/or kill you as a matter of religious faith. You can’t have community with Nazis or Communists, as Obama’s people keep showing us.

Meanwhile Holder is claiming that Islamic terrorism being named is an irrelevant FOX News obsession.

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