Monday, April 27, 2015

Dare to speak out and Ed will send in Thought Police, warns LEO MCKINSTRY

Dare to speak out and Ed will send in Thought Police, warns LEO MCKINSTRY

ED Miliband may come across as a gauche politician, the eternal student union activist whose ambition is unmatched by his authority

The number 30 double-decker bus was destroyed by a terrorist bombPA
Reaction to attacks is not Islamophobia

But he is far more dangerous than his awkward image suggests. An unprincipled, ruthless, opportunistic left-wing ideologue, he represents a serious menace to Britain’s future. Backed by the ScotsNats and Labour’s trade union paymasters, his regime would be one of debts, bureaucracy, mass immigration and constitutional chaos.

But now an even more sinister aspect to his leadership has emerged, one that threatens our essential freedoms. Miliband says he will make Islamophobia a serious crime to be prosecuted by the full might of the state. Flushed with self-righteous zeal, Miliband wants to ensure that the offence “is marked on people’s records with the police to make sure they root out Islamophobia as a hate crime.”

Anyone who believes in liberty will be truly alarmed. Miliband’s proposal goes against the entire tradition of western democracy, which holds that people should be punished only for their deeds, not their opinions.

In the name of tolerance, Labour wants to impose a form of totalitarianism, making a mockery of the concept of free speech. Like so many socialist policies, Miliband’s plan conjures up the dark, Orwellian world of the Thought Police, where all citizens are required to obey the ruling orthodoxy. I n January Miliband echoed the global outrage at the Charlie Hebdo massacre by Muslim terrorists in Paris, even joining other political leaders in the French capital’s official protest march. But his call for a British law against Islamophobia exposes the hollowness of his indignation.

Under his proposal, most of the Charlie Hebdo staff would have been in prison over their satirical cartoons.
Indeed Winston Churchill, Britain’s greatest statesman, would have ended up behind bars if Miliband’s law had been enacted during his life. In his 1899 book The River War, Churchill wrote that “no stronger retrograde force exists in the world” than the “militant and proselytising faith” of Islam. At a time when the police and courts seem incapable of tackling real lawbreakers effectively, Miliband’s proposal will waste huge resources by creating a whole new class of criminals whose only offence will have been to challenge an ideology that is being used to spread violence and misery across the world. In the new climate of censorship created by Labour, too many Muslims, including extremists, corrupt politicians and predatory paedophiles, will be able to silence their critics or halt investigations just by screeching the word “Islamophobia.”

In fact, that is already happening on an epic scale. Until his trial which concluded on Friday, no action was taken against Lutfur Rahman, the spectacularly corrupt Muslim Mayor of Tower Hamlets in east London, as he maintained his grip on power by constantly playing the race and religious card. In the same way, fears about accusations of Islamophobia meant that the authorities in Labour-run Rotherham did nothing about Pakistani sex gangs who systematically abused around 1,400 vulnerable white girls.

A similar spirit of collusion and cowardice has stopped the state dealing robustly with other Muslim abuses, like forced marriages, female genital mutilation, ballot box fraud or extremism in schools. Miliband’s whole scheme is based on a monstrous fraud.

So-called Islamophobia is not an irrational fear or prejudice but an understandable response to the horrors we see all around us perpetrated in the name of Allah, from the savage persecution of Christians in the Middle East to the beheading of Drummer Lee Rigby and the London bombings at home. As the great radical writer Christopher Hitchens once put it, Islamophobia “is a word created by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons.”
Labour plan will fuel Muslim victimhood
Leo McKinstry
It is outrageous that the Labour Party, while blathering about the fight against discrimination, effectively wants to shut down any debate about a theocratic doctrine that has provoked such a worldwide, blood-soaked catalogue of tyranny, oppression, terrorism, misogyny, anti-Semitism and homophobia.

In practice, what Miliband really proposes is the introduction of Muslim blasphemy laws, such as exist in the barbaric, failed Islamic-led states of the Middle East and Asia. In Miliband’s Britain, it will become impossible to criticise any aspect of Islamic culture, whether it be the spread of the burka or the establishment of sharia courts or the construction of colossal new mosques. We already live in a society where Mohammed is now the most popular boy’s name and where a child born in Birmingham is more likely to be a Muslim than a Christian. If he wins, Miliband will ensure that the accelerating Islamification of our country will go unchallenged.

He wants to act as the Witchfinder-General in the new Islamic order, hunting down heretics as he is cheered on by his Muslim allies. Driven by his desire for power, he is pandering to identity politics of the worst kind, seeking to gain support in the three million-strong Muslim population to prop up Labour’s urban vote. But such an approach is disastrous, for it fuels social division and Muslim victimhood.

If Miliband were a true leader, he would push for real integration by demanding that all Muslims face up to their responsibilities, accept western democratic values, stop trying to build replicas of Bangladesh and Pakistan here and drop their collusion with violence.

But that would require courage, maturity and patriotism, qualities that he so conspicuously lacks. Instead, at a terrible potential cost to Britain, he aims to give protection to alien bigotry.

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