Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Muslim Immigrants: Law-Abiding Citizens or Parasites?

Muslim Immigrants: Law-Abiding Citizens or Parasites?

Welfare abuse and the cost of immigration are a part of the problem; Islamic “religious” beliefs are another…
By: Y.K. Cherson

For Muslim immigrants, Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and any other Western country are not the places where they come to honestly work  and live; they are a battlefield. The enmity to Christians and Jews had been prescribed by Muhammad and unequivocally fixed in two sources most important for Muslims: the Koran and Sunnah.

Islam was born as an opposition to Christianity and Judaism, and the fighting against Christians and Jews first began in the Arabian Peninsula and then globally right from the start, when Muhammad was still alive. Actually, it was Muhammad himself who declared Christians, Jews and Pagans enemies  to Islam.

Religion does not require logic from its adepts; what it demands is faith in what  “a messenger of G-d” said, did or wrote. So, any truly religious Muslim immigrant is potentially an enemy to the West. But the West does not have a monopoly on this enmity of the Muslims; they are also enemies to the East, North and South; to Jews, Christians, Polytheists, Atheists…to all non-Muslims.

The angel of the L-RD said to her further, “Behold, you are with child, And you will bear a son; And you shall call his name Ishmael, Because the L-RD has given heed to your affliction. He will be a wild donkey of a man, His hand will be against everyone and everyone´s hand will be against him.”   Genesis 16:11-12.

Ishmael is the forefather of Arabs. And that those who live in the West today quite often deny their religious Christian roots changes nothing: Atheists and Polytheists in Islam are much worse enemies than Christians or Jews, and Islam prescribes its followers to treat them without any mercy.

The difference in the hostile attitude of Muslims to non-Muslims depends only on the degree of the religiosity; less religious Muslims are those our media pompously call “moderate”, and very religious Muslims are those who behead people of the West in the streets of their cities and in the deserts of Iraq, rape non-Muslim women and children and activate explosive devices in the crowds of Americans and Europeans right in their capitals. But let’s not fool ourselves; ALL religious Muslims are hostile to the West. They can be the second, third or fourth generation of Muslim immigrants; they can graduate from Western universities and speak Western languages like natives; they can be indistinguishable in the streets of Western cities;  it does not matter, if they are religious- they are hostile.

For reference: more than 80 percent of the people of the countries we call Islamic self-identify as to that or this extent religious. It means that at least 80 out of every 100 Muslim immigrants that come to the West are enemies of this same West and will be very ready to contribute to its weakening.

What makes the situation absolutely surrealistic is that the West feeds those who want to destroy it.

Some species of wasps put their eggs in the bodies of moths. While inside, little wasps feed from the liquids of the host. Then they gnaw their way through the body of the moth and get out. Afterwards, the moth dies but before dying, it stops feeding and moving and spins silk over the pupae, defending it. Moreover, the moth responds with violent head-swings to any disturbances or threats to the pupae. The scientists say that this behavioral change occurs because parasites change chemical reactions in the host, manipulating its behavior.

This is very similar to what Islam- “the wasp” – does, laying its “eggs”- Muslim immigrants- directly to the body of the stupid fat “moth”: Western countries. Muslim immigrants act like true parasites, feeding by the host. And not because they are lazy or have problems with adaptation, no; they live so because they follow the prescriptions of their religion. Out of three million Turks living in Germany, 500 thousand have German citizenship- but only 20 percent work. Others prefer to sit on social aid by the program Hartz IV. Seventy percent of the young Turks do not have a secondary education.
Because Turks are not admitted in German schools? No, simply because young Turks do not see any necessity to study; the stupid German moth will pay for all.

The Norway Statistical Department SSB calculated that each immigrant costs to budget 4.1 million kronas. The number of immigrants to Norway in 2012 exceeded 15,000, and budget expenses on them were 63 billion Kronas.  If immigration stays at its current level, in 2015-2020, these expenses will grow to 2,900 billion Kronas.

SSB  divides immigrants into two sections,  “group of success” and “problem group”. In the first group, we see immigrants from Sri Lanka, Chile, India, Bosnia, Vietnam, Thailand and Russia, where 64 percent are working. And who are in the “problem group”? Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Morocco; all Muslim countries. Here the share of working immigrants is just 40 percent.
This situation is typical for all Western countries.

Muslim immigrants learned to exploit Western laws to perfection.  Polygamous marriages are forbidden in Europe and the US- but are permitted by Sharia law. Muslim immigrants may have four wives by Sharia law- but officially, from the point of view of Western Law, all these women are “single mothers” who accurately receive generous social aid from Western budgets. A family of one male, four wives and a good dozen of children might get hundreds of thousands of Euros in aid each year. In some cases, the amount of aid reaches $1.5 million dollars a year: why should such a “happy family” work, if they live quite fine without it? Let stupid Westerners work- and contribute to the increase in number of children in Muslim families. Exactly like wasp- and stupid moth.

In such favorable conditions, it would be stupid not to have many children. And Muslim immigrants procreate at full speed.  The most popular name of new-born babies in such European capitals as London, Paris and Brussels is Muhammad. Most European countries recognize that their population growth is mainly the “merit” of Muslim immigrants, which means that the burden on budget due to the increase in the payments by social aids programs will grow too. In primary schools in Vienna, German is a native language only for 10 percent of pupils, and the share of children from immigrant families grew twice in the last 10 years.

And they do not hurry to integrate: why should they, if humanistic Western laws oblige any official body, from Police and Courts to hospitals and Red Cross, to use an interpreter if an immigrant does not speak the language of the country? The total number of such interpreters all over the EU amounts to dozens of thousands, and their tariffs oscillate between 30 and 40 Euros an hour; no need to explain who pays.

Even the European penitentiary system has changed, yielding to the demands of Muslims. It’s no secret that Muslim immigrants and their children make up 80 percent of the “clients” in European jails. And they demand- and get- “halal” food, which is much more expensive, and the services of the Imams to Muslim cons are also paid from the budgets of Western countries.

Muslim immigrants suck the West dry, like wasps suck dry those moths inside which they live. And Islam condones them to do so, because it’s the enemy itself who finances the Jihad that will destroy him. Anjem Choudary, a radical Islamic cleric who lives off the British welfare state has been filmed urging his followers to quit their jobs and claim unemployment benefits so they have more time to plot a holy war against non-Muslims. Choudary urges fellow Muslims to learn from revered figures in Islamic history who only worked one or two days a year. “The rest of the year they were busy with Jihad [holy war] and things like that,” he says. Choudary continues: “People will say, ‘Ah, but you are not working.’ But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar [non-Muslims]. So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance.”

So, Muslim immigrants do not work not because they cannot or because of some imaginary “discrimination”, but because they want to weaken their host-countries and to have more time for organizing the Jihad that will deliver them a final fatal blow.

Related Reading:
There Is No Draw in Religious Wars
Europe Is Being Raped, but Don’t Cry; She Seems to Like It
Muslim Immigration: Preparing the Attack
Europe Should Know: Weakness Does Not Guarantee Safety

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