Friday, July 15, 2016



... and Obama still cannot say the word Islam as the toll nears 100

Larry Pickering

Four-time Walkley Award winning political commentator and Churchill Fellow, has returned to the fray over concern that the integrity of news dissemination is continually being threatened by a partisan media.

What more does the Left need to finally get it through their thick skulls that Islam is the driving force behind Islamic terrorism? I mean it’s not a Presbyterian thing is it? Authorities are prevented from issuing statistics on Muslim populations in the wake of increasing European terrorism, for fear of being accused of racial profiling.

Therefore it has been difficult to get accurate figures of Muslim populations since 2003. What is clear is that the headquarters of European Islam is in Belgium’s Brussels where it is believed the inner city area is composed of 25% Muslim.

Paris has by far the highest concentration of Muslims of any Euro city with almost 2 million. The inner city of London has more than one million  (The figures could be far higher than that by now.)

 But there are increasing concentrations of Muslims across every city in the world, including Australia’s capitals and rural areas. They themselves are saying it's a takeover and we ignore that as bluff.

There is a certain type of lunacy the sensible nations of the free world haven’t had to deal with before now, and it’s a shame that Australia isn’t one of those sensible nations. Prime Minister Turnbull is determined to lead Australia into the depths of UN sanctioned anarchy from which a promised New World Order will arise financed by a global warming hoax.

And this nonsense of our security agencies being able to prevent attacks and arrest the plotters is just a well beaten track through a broken court system that will let them loose to try again.

The bastards have not committed anything (yet) but they will soon enough under our soft legal system of compassion. I mean all that’s needed to prevent more terrorism in Australia is to find all the little bastards a job... that correct, just ask the Greens!

Oh well, we can just about write Europe off as a nice place to visit in future as Islam will have soon infiltrated every corner of government, the education sector, what’s left of the military and right under the noses of the soft Left sympathisers of poor downtrodden, vulnerable Muslims.

Turnbull is solving the problem by inviting them all to dinner at his joint in Sydney... how smart is Turnbull?

Perhaps this latest atrocity will be a wake up call. Perhaps Merkel will realise her disastrous mistake. Perhaps Obama will turn on his favourite faith and mutter the word Islam. Perhaps Turnbull and his coterie of small l Liberals will come out of their protected leafy suburbs and smell the Islamic shit.

Don’t hold your breath.

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