Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I, Islamophobe?

I, Islamophobe?

I have been called an Islamophobe. Now, what does that mean? A phobia is an irrational fear, but what is the Islam I am phobic about? Islam is the doctrine found in the Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed.

What am I afraid of in the Koran? Certainly not anything found in the early Koran of Mecca, since all it says is that I am going to hell, since I am a Kafir. But in Medina the Koran tells me about “fighting in Allah’s cause”, killing Kafirs in jihad. As a Kafir, should I be afraid of jihad? Or is that a phobia?

The Koran says that Allah will terrorize Kafirs. So am I phobic to fear terror? The Koran says that as a Kafir I can be beheaded. I see pictures of Kafirs being beheaded around the world. Should I be afraid or is it phobic to fear beheading?
Reading the Sunna of Mohammed, I find he ordered his critics to be assassinated. Is it phobic to fear assassination?
The Koran says that I can be crucified. Should I fear crucifixion? Or is that phobic?
Mohammed killed each and every person who opposed him. I oppose Islam, which includes the Sunna of Mohammed, should I be afraid or is that phobic?
I am afraid of violence from Islam. Am I reasonable or am I phobic? What about you?

Bill Warner, Center for the Study of Political Islam
Facebook: BillWarnerAuthor

Twitter: @politicalislam

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