Friday, December 30, 2016

Canadian Imam says Islamic Law to be implemented when Muslims are majority

ready for stoning human beings to death on Parliament Hill???!!!

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, is a Canadian Muslim scholar, who was born as a Christian in Jamaica in 1947 and grew up in Canada, where he accepted Islam in 1972.

He completed a diploma in Arabic and a B.A. from the College of Islamic Disciplines (Usool ad-Deen) at the Islamic University of Madeenah in 1979. At the University of Riyadh, College of Education, he completed a M.A. in Islamic Theology in 1985, and in the department of Islamic Studies at the University of Wales, he completed a Ph.D. in Islamic Theology in 1994. Residing in Doha, Qatar, Bilal Philips is regularly invited to mosques in Canada and abroad to speak about the teachings of Islam.

In a recent Friday sermon, Bilal Philips argued that Judaism and Christianity are a distortion of Islam, and that, Jesus, who was a Muslim, represents the link connecting the three religions.

He accused a small group of Muslims of provoking Islamophobia because of their call to implement the Islamic Law (Sharia) in Europe where Muslims are a minority. When Muslims become the majority, explained Bilal Philips, they are obliged to implement the Islamic Law.

The following are excerpts from Bilal Philip’s sermon (published on YouTube on August 21, 2016):
Prophet Jesus. Issa [Arabic name of Jesus], peace be upon him, represents the bond or the link between the three last versions of Islam. The third Islam being the true version.
Christianity [is] a distortion, and Judaism [is] a distortion, though in its roots Judaism was Islam as in the roots of Christianity, as Jesus taught it, it was Islam. Jesus represents the link between all three.
Twenty two states in the US out of their fifty two states, twenty two of them legally banned the Islamic Law (Sharia)…
The Sharia is the law of God, the law of Allah which is good for all times, all people in all places. That is the reality.
Wherever Muslims are able to apply it, it is their duty to apply it, not to force it upon people as a minority in a country of non Muslims.
We have foolish Muslims, you know, calling for Sharia in the middle of Europe and creating the scare.
We can’t apply it unless we are the majority and the majority agree, then we can apply it, if the majority don’t agree even we’re all Muslims, but the majority don’t agree to apply Sharia to try, to apply it is to unleash bloodshed in the Muslim nation [Ummah], because Muslims will fight you.
They have to be educated. The Muslim nation [Ummah] has to come to that understanding that the way that we deserve to govern ourselves is in accordance with the Sharia [Islamic Law] and that’s what ‘there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, Mohammad is the messenger of Allah, peace and blessing of Allah be upon him’ (لا إله إلا الله ومحمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم) means. This is what it means.”

See also:
Bilal Philips says 50 year old man marrying 9 year old girl is “legitimate” in Islam (click HERE)
Bilal Philips recommends on early marriage to avoid homosexuality, moral corruption (click HERE)
Bilal Philips says female circumcision is permitted, not female genital mutilation (click HERE)
Bilal Philips equates non-Muslims to “cattle”, slams homosexuality (click HERE)
Bilal Philips clarifies the Islamic ruling on suicide bombing attacks in Palestine (click HERE)

Marital rape – the Canadian Islamic perspective (click HERE)

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