It posted the letter containing the apologetic language to its Facebook page. Curiously, however, that Facebook page was no longer available as of Monday morning, and a text of the letter that was still available elsewhere online did not include the sentence containing the apologetic language.
“We sincerely apologize that we upset some in our CSS and larger Jewish community by introducing the Palestinian flag into our educational program,” the initial letter said.

“Camp Solomon Schechter reiterates our unwavering support for the State of Israel as the Jewish homeland.”

Those sentences were not included in the text of the letter still available at the time of writing here.
Camp Solomon Schechter last week hosted members of Kids 4 Peace, a group that includes Christian and Muslim Palestinian children.

In the letter of apology sent Sunday and posted on the camp’s Facebook page, the camp indicated that the Kids 4 Peace group requested the raising of a Palestinian flag alongside the US, Canadian and Israeli flags that are raised daily.

The original letter also said: “Camp Solomon Schechter is a proud Zionist and pro-Israel camp. We honor the Israeli Army and Israeli people on a daily basis at CSS. Our goal was to create a safe space for all, and begin dialogue among the next generation.”

In the version of the letter still available, the camp wrote: “For the sake of a teachable moment, we did raise the Palestinian flag as a sign of friendship and acceptance. It was met with uncertainty by some campers and staff, especially the Israeli’s [sic], but all understood that the message of hope for peace by flying the Israeli flag alongside helped develop empathy. Still we plan to take down all the flags for Shabbat since there is no peace and also to relieve the sadness and anger that some feel by the site [sic] of the flag.”

This version of the letter also said the camp “remain(s) unabashedly pro-Israel and we are celebrating Israel alongside our new friends.” …..continue reading the damnable travesty….